If you really like a lot of space and to enjoy a place when most others have disappeared you should come here in the winter.

The strange thing about tourists is that they don’t particularly like tourists. I count myself very much among you by the way. The number of times I’ve been somewhere and then complained about all the people (who have essentially simply had exactly the same idea as me) is a high number.
There are, of course, ways to counter this issue and ever since I ended up walking around an ancient city, effectively in a slow moving and disorderly queue, I have made sure I don’t add to the herd. Instead I run free, in a different direction.

Having said all that this issue is not a particularly significant one in the Algarve. As there’s a lot of space and not too many tourist clusters. However, if you really like a lot of space and to enjoy a place when most others have disappeared you should come here in the winter. Winter here is not the winter you know. Don’t expect to have icicles hanging from your eyebrows or sideways rain whipping at your face. Instead imagine a fairly consistent 15 to 20 degrees, evenings outdoors (albeit with a cardigan at the ready), and excellent golf conditions.

And how about a barbecue? While wearing flip flops if you like. At Four Seasons Fairways we call it the Winter Grill. So called because it occurs in winter and the food is grilled. And it’s not any old barbecue, we brought in the Fabulous Baker Brothers Tom and Henry Herbert to come up with five dishes designed for the coals. I won’t tell you all of them as it’ll ruin the surprise but I will say this: sizzling trouserless prawns with garlic, chilli, olive oil, a grilled lemon and parsley. If that hasn’t got you craving a winter grill then how about this: ‘grilled lamp chops with oregano, garlic, lemon and sourdough crumb.’ I’ve got you now haven’t I. I hope to see you this winter!

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